Latest NALEO news
New Web Page for Taxi Licensing Authorities
The Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Policy team at the Department for Transport has launched a new webpage for taxi licensing authorities
Licensing of taxis and PHVs for local authorities in England
The page has been designed to be a one-stop shop for authorities to make use of when setting or developing their licencing policies, with all the relevant documents that should be considered contained within. As you will see, there are links to guidance, recently closed consultations and policy documents issued by the Government on taxi and PHV licensing, passenger accessibility and safety, and electric and zero emission vehicles.
They are sure that most of you were already aware of these documents, but they thought it would be pertinent to put them all in a single web page for ease of access. They plan to regularly update the page to reflect any new publications released by the Government so you can be assured that the page will remain relevant in the future.
The web page also includes the updated Right To Work guidance for taxi licensing authorities.
World Cup 2022 Guidance – Advice for Licensees
This guide has been produced by the BBPA in partnership with UKHospitality, the British Institute of Innkeeping (BII), the Local Government Association and the National Police Chiefs’ Council with the aim to encourage police, licensing authorities and the licensed trade to work together to ensure a safe and successful tournament. It is also supported by the National Association of Licensing and Enforcement Officers (NALEO), the Institute of Licensing, National PubWatch and Best Bar None.
Download the guide from the NALEO or BBPA Website:
British Beer and Pub Association - The voice of the beer and pub industry
Regulatory Off Sales Easement Regulations
The Business and Planning Act 2020 included an enabling power whereby the premises licence provisions can be extended through the Act if the Secretary of State considers it reasonable to do so to mitigate an effect of coronavirus. This allows the regulations to come into effect immediately on 29 September 2022 and will extend the off-sales provision until September 2023.
The covering explanatory memorandum also confirms that the Home Office will be running a public consultation about long-term arrangements. They will share further information on the scope and content of this consultation in due course.
Local Government Association Training Resources
The LGA has developed some different resources to support officers with the process of inducting new members onto licensing committees. They have refreshed the licensing e-learning module which provides an overview of the role and responsibilities of a member of a licensing committee. It is free for councils to access, however you do need to register with a email address (there is a bit of a lag between registering and the module being available).
To accompany the e-learning module, They have developed a series of licensing videos. The videos are all scenario based, and members are encouraged to watch them, reflect on how they would respond in a hearing, before being given some tips on the sort of thing they should consider. The videos touch on the main elements of licensing – alcohol and entertainment, taxi and gambling.
The LGA will also be running another Licensing Leadership Essentials course in March. This is a two day interactive course, aimed at chairs and vice chairs of committees, and focuses on how good committees are run. The course is fully funded by the LGA and has received excellent feedback. If this course is of interest, please email me and I’ll send you the details when the March date is confirmed.
In response to the increase in reports of spiking, the LGA has developed a short guidance note which provides a brief overview of spiking, suggests some preventative actions licensed premises and licensing authorities can take, highlights some best practice case studies, and shares a checklist that the LGA would encourage licensing authorities to consider.
Public Protection Services
The LGA has also developed a councillor handbook on public protection services, which provides an overview of council environmental health, trading standards and licensing services. Councillors can use this guide to support understanding of what to look out for in scrutinising and leading these services within their council.