We are pleased to announce that NALEO is an accredited Learning Centre with Highfield Qualifications and there are now courses and qualifications available on Taxi Licensing, Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling Act 2005 legislation.
There is also the Industry Standard Basic Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle Inspection course and qualification which continues to improve the consistency of vehicle inspection countrywide.
Delegates are required to attend all sessions of any course and to complete any subsequent assignment(s) to the required level in order to gain the award.
The new courses are designed to meet the professional needs of Members, Solicitors and Licensing Enforcement or Administrative Officers and Committee Clerks involved in working with all of the above areas of legislation.
The courses are designed to meet the professional needs of Members, Solicitors and Licensing Enforcement or Administrative Officers and Committee Clerks involved in working with all of the above areas of legislation.
Initially contact Teresa Bowley via nationalsecretary@naleo.org.uk for enquiries about available courses.
Initially contact John Miley via nationalchair@naleo.org.uk to discuss any qualification requirements.