NR3S Update and Revised Guidance
NAFN is pleased the Secretary of State has named the NR3S as the designated database, and would also like to thank all licensing authorities, which have actively used the system to date on a voluntary basis. As confirmed in the letter sent by the Department for Transport (DfT), there are no charges to access the NR3S database (searching and adding records). However, NAFN membership fees will support the ongoing development of the NR3S database and use of other NAFN services such as:
- Credit searches
- Land registry
- Investigatory Powers Act data
- Newsletters
- Intelligence alerts
- Access to CPD accredited training, webinars and so much more
Following the letter from DfT we must ensure all current and future NR3S users are supported to carry out their duties, as laid out in the Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Act (TPHV) 2022. Please see the link below to the revised national guidance. The guidance critically reflects the inclusion of suspensions and a new Joint Data Controller Agreement, which replaces both the existing data processing and sharing agreements.
The next steps:
The nominated single point of contact for each licensing authority will be required to sign the new agreement (via the secure NAFN website). Please ensure the details of your nominated NR3S SPoC are up to date on the system. If there are any changes, please send the details to NAFN at
Each nominated NR3S SPoC, will be given a 60 day notice period from 27 April 2023 to accept the Joint Data Controller Agreement. If they do not accept during the grace period, the licensing authority will lose access to the register until signed.
Gambling Commission March Bulletin
The Gambling Commission has released the March 2023 Local Authority Bulletin
March 2023 LA Bulletin
In this month's edition:
- The importance of the co-regulatory structure
- Test purchasing
- Gaming Machine Testing – Southampton City Council
- Your Statement of Gambling Policy
- Annual returns
NALEO Membership 2023-24
Membership Applications and Renewals are now available for 2023-24
Individual and corporate membership forms are available at the following links. Prices remain the same as the previous years.
NALEO Individual Membership 23-24
NALEO Corporate Membership 23-24
Sandwell MBC has a vacancy for a Taxi Licensing Enforcement Officer.
Closing date is 27th March 2023
More details at the following link NALEO – job vacancies
Please note that NALEO is happy to advertise Licensing Vacancies on the website and in the newsletters free of charge
Just send details to: