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Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (Safeguarding and Road Safety) Act 2022 Statutory Guidance Updated

The act places duties on licensing authorities in England to share safeguarding and road safety concerns about taxi and private hire vehicle drivers with each other.
Licensing authorities in England must comply with this guidance.
This guidance aims to help licensing authorities in England to comply with their duties under the Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (Safeguarding and Road Safety) Act 2022, enacted on 31 March 2022.
The statutory guidance issued to support compliance with the Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (Safeguarding and Road Safety) Act 2022 has been updated to reflect the new duties on licensing authorities and is due to commence on 27 April. From this date, licensing authorities will be required to input into a central database, instances where the authority has refused, suspended, chosen not to renew or revoked a taxi or PHV driver’s licence based wholly or in part on information relating to the driver concerning safeguarding or road safety. Before a licensing authority in England decides whether to grant or renew a driver licence, it must search the database for any entry relating to the applicant.
If you need any assistance relating to accessing or using the database, please contact For queries relating to the statutory guidance, please contact

Basic Vehicle Inspection Courses

NALEO will once again be co-ordinating the Industry Standard City & Guilds Assured Basic Vehicle Inspection for Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Vehicles which continues to improve the consistency of vehicle inspections across the country.
The Course is delivered by Phil Waterman of PW Automotive Training Ltd, a leading industry expert in vehicle examination and is 3 day course.
This course has been designed to give enforcement officers an appreciation of the various aspects of Vehicle Inspection relative to Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles.
Enforcement Officers and supporting staff will be given the opportunity to undertake practical examinations of various vehicles used for Hackney Carriage or Private Hire purposes. Upon completion of the course the officers will be able to make an informed decision about the roadworthiness of these vehicles.
There are a limited number of delegate places available on the Basic Vehicle Inspection Course being run by PW Automotive Training in Reading on  22nd, 23rd and 24th May 20232. If you are interested, please email Phil for further details.

It is also proposed to run a course at Conwy County Borough Council subject to demand. If you are interested, please contact Phil at the above email address.

NAFN NR3S Training

Are you and your team getting to grips with NR3S? Did you know that you can get the training you need on the National Register for Revocations, Refusal and Suspensions  through the NAFN portal?

The benefits of training your team include:

  • Enhances knowledge and job skills
  • Improves performance and efficiency
  • Standardisation - everyone working the same way
  • Positively affects productivity and morale

The NAFN e-Learning platform can be accessed at any time that suits you directly through the NAFN portal. Why not log into your account now and have a look around?

NAFN Home - National Anti Fraud Network

NALEO Membership 2023-24

Membership Applications and Renewals are now available for 2023-24

Individual and corporate membership forms are available at the following links. Prices remain the same as the previous years.

NALEO Individual Membership 23-24
NALEO Corporate Membership 23-24


Horsham District Council in West Sussex are looking for a Licensing Officer to join a small but dedicated team.

NALEO - job vacancies

Professionalism through knowledge